​RAD Margarita Man

Machines & Bartenders

Licensed Bartenders

ABC Licensed & ABS Certified Bartenders & Hostesses

Check out just a few of our great reviews!

When you Rent A Margarita Machine from RAD, usually we drop off on a Friday, show you how to mix your first batch, and how to "top off" the machine to have continuous frozen drinks throughout your event, and then pick up on Monday.  (We can do mid-week rentals or make special arrangements if necessary).

Bartending-  Licensed by ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control), and Certified by RBS (Responsible Beverage Service),  When you hire RAD to bartend your event, ($33/hr.) we bring the machine out and charge for 2 hours prior to your event, and we handle everything from there!  We set up the machine, mix it, and get it started freezing.  Then, we ice down the drinks, set up your bar and any other drinks you have to serve, All night, we professionally stand behind the bar/table, and serve the drinks to your guests.  This includes ALL of your drinks (Beer, Wine, Mixed drinks, water, tea, soda, etc).  This will eliminate the need for you or a family/friend to monitor the machine, top off, bring out additional drinks, replenish the ice, or even monitor to make sure the adult drinks aren't being accidentally consumed (gulp)! by the kids.

At the end of the night we bottle up the leftovers for you, clean, and organize the bar so that you have no mess to clean up!   

Hostess Services- When you hire RAD for hostess service, ($33/hr.) we do everything you would do when setting up, during and after your event, so that you can enjoy your own party!  This includes any time before your event start time, throughout the evening. We will help set up decorations, put out/rotate the food, desert and even cut the cake! During the event, we clean up the plates from your guests tables and wash any food dishes.  At the end of the event, we consolidate/put away all the leftovers, clean your kitchen and take out the trash before we leave.  We even help organize with special requests/tasks during your event and even take pictures for you! 

*RAD Bartenderscan handle a max of 100 guests per bartender.  This ensures that your guests are being taken care of in a timely manner.  We don't like to have "lines" at the bar and we also make sure the bar area is clean and professionally maintained throughout your event.

*RAD Hostess servicesare available only in connection with hiring aRAD Bartender.  This ensures that each position can do the tasks of each described above.  (If your event size is  50 guests or less, the Bartender can certainly help with other duties, so long as the bar isn't being neglected).  Either position can/will stay to help clean up until you are ready for them to leave.  You only pay us while we are there (ex.-you schedule us til 12am, but the event ends early @10pm, it may take us 30 min to clean/pack up, so you pay until 10:30pm.  Conversely, if you schedule us til 10pm, but its a rager  and you ask us to stay longer, we stay until you no longer need us and you pay us until we leave).

RAD Bartenders/Hostess Services are friendly, professional, and work hard during your event, and being a "service" position, tips are customary/appreciated! Bartenders can either put a "Thank You Jar" at the bar, or you can personally tip their services at the end of the event.  Hostesses are separate and should be tipped separately for their service. Also, let us know if you have a dress code or theme for your party, and we will dress the part! Otherwise, we will show up in appropriate attire for your event. 

Other Bartending companies require 2 personnel for each 100 guests and charge $50-#70+/hr.! Plus a 20% required tip.  We believe in top notch service at a reasonable price, to ensure your event is a success that you can sit back and enjoy!  Who better than to run your Margarita Machine and entire bar than the pros who know how to operate it best?!